Creating your own workersΒΆ

One of the main goal of zerolog is to provide all needed elements to start receive and process logs easily. Principales parts of the chain are built-in and can be used “as-is” but one must be implemented: the worker.

The worker is the core of your process, it’s in charge of processing logs to fit your needs.

To help you creating your worker, zerolog provide a BaseWorker class that can be inherited. This class provide anything needed to start (binding to receiver, run loop). All you need to do to create your own worker is to implement process_data method in your worker class. Let’s take a simple example :

import sqlite3
from zerolog.worker import BaseWorker

class MyWorker(BaseWorker):

    def __init__(self, backend, *args, **kwargs):
        super(MyWorker, self).__init__(backend, *args, **kwargs)
        self.connection = sqlite3.connect("/tmp/example.db")
        self.cursor = self.connection.cursor()

    def process_data(self, data):
        INSERT INTO logs (message) values (?)''', [data])

This example is very simple, it will only print data on stdout and save received message in sqlite database. But this example give you a good start for creating your own worker.

Now let’s start this worker. Let’s assume that your file is located in /home/user/ directory.

zerolog worker "tcp://" worker.MyWorker -d /home/user/

And that’s it ! Your worker is running, ready to receive messages and process them